LuckPerms 上下文

If you have Luckperms installed you can give players permission in specific Lands areas. Download:

Available contexts exclusively for Luckperms: Please keep in mind that land and area names are case-sensitive.

LuckPerms Context

The following context entries can also be used for a player's current location by just appending _here to the entry. Example: lands_land_name_here.

lands_land_name=landname Description: Returns land name or wilderness. Append _here to get the result, for the land at the player's current position.

lands_land_area_name=areaname Description: Returns area name or wilderness. Append _here to get the result, for the area at the player's current position.

lands_land_area_role_name=rolename Description: Returns the name of the player's role.

lands_land_bool=true or false Description: Returns true, if the player owns or is part of a land. If you append _here, it will return true, if the player's current position is claimed.

lands_land_trusted_bool=true or false Description: Returns true, if the player is trusted. Append _here to get the result for the land at the player's current position.

lands_combat_tag_bool=true or false Description: Returns whevter or not the player is in combat.

lands_land_level=number Description: Set permission if land has level x. You can append _here too.

lands_nation_level=number Description: Set permission if nation has level x. You can append _here too.


lands_trusted_in=landname Description: Check if a player is trusted in a given land. Example: lands_trusted_in=test: The player will receive the permission if they own or are part of land "test".


Giving a permission only if player is part of a specific land: /lp user Luck permission set test.permission lands_trusted_in=test

Giving a permission only in wilderness: /lp user Luck permission set test.permission lands_land_name_here=wilderness NOTE: You can also remove permission if they're in wilderness by setting a negated (-) permission.

Giving a permission only in claims where the player is trusted: /lp user Luck permission set test.permission lands_land_trusted_bool=yes