Areas can either be setup for rental via the menu or using a sign.
Place a sign in the sub area that you want to setup to be rented or sold.
Execute /lands menu here
while standing in the area
Click on the setup rental item
Set all values and confirm
Parameters surrounded by []
are optional. Parameters surrounded by <>
are required.
[area]: This parameter is only needed if the sign is placed outside the area.
: The tenant can extend their rental by <interval>
. Time units: d (days), h (hours) and m (minutes). Default is d
. Example: 15d = 15 days
: Is the max. duration of the rental.
: Defines the cost per <interval>
You can only set sub areas for rent. The default area can only be set for sale (= selling the whole land; more information below)
The rent sign is setup and players can now access it.
To rent this area, just click on the sign.
To add more time to your rental, just click again on the sign.
Cancel rental
Tenants can use /lands rent cancel to cancel their rental while standing inside the area.
Remove the rental
As the area owner you can either remove the sign or execute /lands rent remove while standing inside the area.
Parameters surrounded by []
are optional. Parameters surrounded by <>
are required.
[area]: This parameter is only needed if the sign is placed outside the area.
: Defines the total cost.
Use /lands rent list
to view all areas and lands that can be rented or bought. There you can also filter and sort these offers.
Sell signs can be placed in sub areas and in the default area (= selling the whole land)