My players can't claim or trust members, because it says that their limit is 0. What is wrong?
If it says that, then this is definitely the case. Please make sure your permissions plugin is setup correctly (eg. groups, inheritance). You can get a list of Lands permissions a player has by executing /lands listperms
Where can I toggle wilderness flags or convert regular lands into admin/server lands?
A: This will open a menu where you can toggle wilderness flags and convert regular lands into admin/server lands:
/Lands admin menu
Some players/lands have unlimited claims. How can I prevent that?
A: The land owner has lands.chunks.* or op.
How can I restrict fly to players claims?
A: Just give them access to your /fly command and make sure to not give them fly bypass permissions.
Also the fly flag needs to be enabled for their flag in their claim. To toggle fly in wilderness, use /Lands admin menu
How can I set visualisations to display permanently?
A: Set the visualisation duration to -1 and if you want to automatically enable it on server join, make sure to enable the join option too:
My players can't toggle settings. What is wrong?
A: You did not give them the required permissions. Lands will always display you permission hints, if the player is missing a permission.
Where can I edit the messages and GUI menus?
A: In your /plugins/Lands/Language folder.
My players are allowed to pvp, even though pvp is disabled?
A: You have combat tagging enabled:
How can I deny / allow claiming in specific WorldGuard areas?
A: /region flag [region] lands-claim deny/allow
By default this flag will be set to deny.
How can I set claim (permission) limits per world?
A: Toggle the claim-limits-per-world
option in config. Example: If you set the permission lands.chunks.5 for your players,
they will be able to claim 5 chunks in each claim world instead of 5 chunks in general.
This then can be combined with your permissions plugin per world permissions, which would allow you to set different claim limits per world.
NOTE: This only applies for claim permissions: lands.chunks.NUMBER, lands.ownlands.NUMBER
How can I prevent swear words to be taken for land, role or area names?
A: Edit the 'swear-words' list in your language file.
How can I disable the selection or info tool?
a. Prevent players receiving the tools at first server join:
b. If you want the tool to be unique and therefore not responding to vanilla items, assign a random model-data in the GUI file to the item: https://github.com/Angeschossen/PluginFrameworkAPI/wiki/GUI-Menus#set-custom-model-data
c. If you want to disable the tool usage completely: Disable the item in the GUI language file.
How can I prevent land members attacking each other?
In general, you should leave that decision up to the land itself. They can toggle the attack player flag in their land menu. But as a server admin you can force it by editing roles.yml and restrict PvP in wilderness as well. The following option disables PvP for members of the same land in wilderness.
Changing the land enter and leave Titles
These can be changed in the language file:
will be replaced by the title that is set by the land in their menu. The default title can be found in the same file as well:
The default title only applies to new land creations.